A short primer developed by the UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN) providing an introduction to open source hardware.

Edinburgh Library Participatory Research Support provides resources and guidance for participatory research and citizen science for staff and students at the University of Edinburgh.

A short primer developed by the UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN) providing an introduction to rights retention.

Copyright help and support for staff and students at the University of Edinburgh.

An article providing examples of different ways that GitHub can be used for non-programmers. Although the article is written by ecologists about ecology research, it is broadly appliable to multiple research areas.

The Software Sustainability Institute aim to support researchers in developing more robust, reliable, and reusable software. Their website hosts various events, resources, training, and programme, including Fellowship schemes.

The Research Data Service provides data management, storage, and sharing tools and support for staff and students at the University of Edinburgh. The Service can support researchers at all stages before, during, and after their research projects.

A hub for open research support and advice within the University of Edinburgh's College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.

The Turning Way is an handbook for reproducibile, ethical, and collaborative data science. It provides guidance for research across many disciplines that deal with data computationally.

A short primer developed by the UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN) providing an introduction to data management and sharing.