Resource Library
The curated resources found on these pages can help you to ensure that your research follows best practice in Open Research. We recognise that “best practice” can vary significantly between different fields, with some disciplines having an array of context-specific constraints and demands on what constitutes good quality, open research.
We encourage you to take from these resources what you can, keeping in mind the golden rule of Open Research:
As open as possible, as closed as necessary.
So whether you are seeking ways of managing your data more FAIRly, or seeking ways to involve the public in your research – remember that it is not all or nothing.
Submit a Resource
We welcome submissions of new resources, and are particularly interested in tools, video-guides, field-guides, and handbooks that we can share on these pages.
Explore by Theme
Open Research
Materials that introduce the core tenets of Open Research and how to start incorporating Open Research practices into your day-to-day work.
Open Research Communities
Find out about various grassroots organisations and institutions that can offer further guidance, support, or a community of peers to help you with your work.
General Guidance
Get a bigger picture overview of various parts of Open Research best practice, including hubs, training platforms, and explainers.
Tools & How Tos
There are many tools available to streamline every aspect of Open Research, from pre-registering your work through to encoding qualitative data. Explore the many tools available and learn how to use them.
Participatory Research Resources
Are you looking for support tailored to Participatory Research (including co-production, citizen science, co-design, community-led research)? Take a look at the dedicated Participatory Research Resource pages.
Explore all resources:
University of Edinburgh Copyright Help
Copyright help and support for staff and students at the…
UKRN Primer on Rights Retention
A short primer developed by the UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN)…
UKRN Primer on Preregistration and Registered Reports
A short primer developed by the UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN)…
UKRN Primer on Preprints
A short primer developed by the UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN)…