The Animal Study Registry is a repository for preregistration of animal research.
Preclinical Trials is a repository for preregistration of preclinical animal research.
PROSPERO is a repository for systematic review preregistrations within health sciences (clinical and animal research).
A short primer developed by the UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN) providing an introduction to preregistration and Registered Reports.
A short animated introduction to preregistration and Registered Reports, developed by the UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN).
Peer Community in Registered Reports (PCI-RR) is a community-based platform facilitating peer review of Registered Reports. Registered Reports that receive in-principle acceptance following peer review at PCI-RR can submit to a list of PCI-RR friendly journals for publication. Submitting to other journals is allowed but may not be guaranteed publication.
OSF Registries is a preregistration platform hosted by Open Science Framework (OSF). Registrations and preregistrations from all research areas are accepted. All registrations receive a DOI and can be linked to OSF Projects. OSF also hosts various free to use registration templates.